AQTN association membership (Quebec, Canada)

Member of Association quebécoise des thérapeutes naturels (AQTN) since July 2018.
Body-Oriented Modalities, Body-Oriented Work with Trauma and CranioSacral Therapy

Completed Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 training in Montreal, Canada with Nina Chernick BA/KIN, RMT, CST-D. Level 2 training completed in Upledger Institute Clinic in Palm Beach, Florida, USA with Frederick Stahlman, P.T., CST-D.
Somato Emotional Release: Full Range of CranioSacral Therapy Tools for Gentle Trauma Resolution Training completed in Toronto, Canada, with Nina Chernick BA/KIN, RMT, CST-D

Completed approximately 150 hours of training in Lotus Palm Institute of Thai Massage and Traditional Bodywork, Montreal, Canada. Courses in Thai Yoga Massage by Mirabai Mosca (Thai Yoga Massage levels 1, and 2) and by Eleanor Picquet (Thay Yoga Massage level 3, elements of Ayurvedic approach to healing and wellness)
Passed two courses in Thai Reflexology. With Jasmine de Jager (Thai Reflexology level 1) and Sukha Wong, the Director of Lotus Palm Institute (Thai Reflexology level 2)

Over 100 hours of training with Pavel Schneiderman, an Integral Bodywork ambassador, in his individual and joint workshops in Moscow and in the region of Moscow. Completed the unique 4-day training “Working with Ribcage: the Structure and the Flow” by Pavel Schneiderman and Yulia Rylkova.
A sequence of bodywork and manual therapy trainings with Sergei Krinitsyn. Continuous individual therapy with Sergey from 2017 until now.
Systemic and Family Constellations

Professional certification after 2-year immersive course in Systemic and Family Constellations in Hellinger Learning Center for Eastern Canada with Claire Dagenais.

Completed four full training modules in the Center of Modern Systemic Constellations, one of the Russia’s top institutions related to systemic constellations. Attended numerous events in the Center within past years. Trainings facilitated by Elena Veselago, director of the Center, former Vice-President of ISCA (International Systemic Constellations Association): Modern Systemic Constellations, History, Philosophy, Technologies (Levels 1 and 2); Good Deal: training in Organizational Constellations. Also completed a training dedicated to work with the Medicine Wheel (the Wheel of Four Directions).

Completed the 3-month training course “Introduction to Systemic Psychology and Constellations Work. Constellations for Self Help” by Anna Petrovskaya. The course was mostly focused on Structural Constellations and Constellations of the Inner Parts.
IoPT (Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy) and Constellations Work With Heavy Physical Symptoms

Completed two trainings with prof. Franz Ruppert, the founder of Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT), in 2017 and 2019. Attended the 3-day workshop of Stefan Hausner dedicated to Constellations in Work With Heavy Physical Symptoms
Systemic Coaching and Systemic Work With Organizations

Attended workshops by Jan Jacob Stam, the author of the method of Systemic Coaching, the world leading master in systemic work with organizations. Completed Leadership and Transformation in Organizations From the Systemic Point of View training, and Organizational Trauma training in St. Petersburg.
Systemic Ritual, Shamanism and Work with the Wheel of Four Directions

Attended trainings and workshops of Daan Van Kampenhout, the author of the Systemic Ritual approach. In Mexico City: Systemic Ritual in Individual Sessions 4-day training, and Systemic Rituals 3-day workshop in St.Petersburg, Russia. Participated in 9-month special course on working with the wheel of four directions as an element of healing and growth in personal and professional aspects, also by Daan Van Kampenhout. Continued in 2024 by taking part in 3-day Systemic Ritual Training with the same trainer, and the founder of the approach, in Berlin, Germany.
Trauma Treatment

Completed the course “The Body Keeps the Score: New Frontiers in Treatment of Trauma” by Bessel Van Der Kolk (author and presenter) and of Licia Sky (presenter on body-oriented practice).
Neuro Linguistic Programming

Passed the full certification course of Licensed NLP Practitioner in 2016 that consisted of over 100 hours of training plus 30 hours of supervised practice (WinVision training center, Montreal, Canada, trainer – Darren Miller, certified issued and signed by Dr. Richard Bandler, one of the founding fathers of Neuro Linguistic Programming).
University Diploma

Graduated from Moscow State University in 2001. Qualified in Russia as Psychologist, and Psychology Teacher.