Upcoming Workshops

14 Dec 2024 12pm-4pm.
25 Jan 2025 12pm-4pm.

Centre des Musiciens du Monde, Studio 201
5043, rue Saint-Dominique,
Montreal, Quebec  H2T 1V1

Developed originally as a group method, Systemic Family Constellations can be seen in their purest form when done in a group. Sessions include a sequence of client works with short breaks between them. It is possible to take part in a group session as a Client, or as a group participant (a representative or an observer).

Participation as a Client (Issue Holder)

Client is the one for whom the Constellation work is done. Facilitator manages the group session in a way that the issue that the Client has brought to the session moves towards some new state, sometimes a solution, sometimes a change, sometimes a new perspective. 

To book a spot as a Client please fill the registration form. Choose one of the nearest available dates or join the waiting list. We, the workshop team, will contact you shortly after and confirm the date of your session. As the number of client cases is limited at each workshop, it is best to book the spot in advance. If a cancellation occurs we will contact those who have registered for further dates and then those who are on the waiting list.

Pricing and Payment Options

Joining as a Group Participant (Representative / Observer)

Key element of Family/Systemic Constellations is the use of representation. Representation takes place when a participant of a Constellation group is invited into a role of a certain figure that is a part of the picture in the client case. Many have noticed that being in the Constellation space as a representative or an observer can unfold as an in-depth experience. Those who participate or even observe the Constellation often leave the room after the session with a feeling of some shift or inner change.

To join as a participant (a representative or an observer) it is best and more budget friendly to register early, however in most cases it is possible to join last minute. The only limitation to late decisions is the amount of space in the room – in case a workshop is full or almost full, we, the workshop team, will give preference to those who registered in advance. If you are about to show up last minute don’t hesitate to contact the administrator to confirm that there are still places available. 

Pricing and Payment Options

A Friendly and Supportive Space

Family / Systemic Constellation practice requires an accepting, open attitude both on the part of the facilitator and the participants. Safe, supportive space is a prerequisite for the work to take place and be of sufficient quality. Whether you are joining a session as a group participant or a client, please be present and respectful to the process.

Obstacles and Limitations for Participation

Group Constellation is a deep, emotionally involving practice. It may and often does evoke strong feelings, experiences, or memories. Participation in a group session whether as a Client or a Representative/Observer can be demanding in situations when emotional or mental state is a bit unstable or shaken. We recommend to refrain from participating or at least contact us before making a decision if you have doubts about your current state – emotional, physical or mental. In certain circumstances, consider choosing an individual (one-on-one) Family / Systemic Constellation instead.


Family Constellations and Systemic Constellations do not replace any kind of psychotherapy or medical treatment. 


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