OctoberRelationship Compass
In-Person workshop in Montreal QC, based on Family / Systemic Constellation approach
In English
MarchThe Path: Dealing with Challenges in Life
In-Person workshop in Montreal QC, based on Family / Systemic Constellations approach, incorporating elements of the practice of Systemic Ritual
In English


October – NovemberWork With Trauma
Online program of 6 modules for Psychologists, Body-Oriented Therapists, Systemic Constellations Facilitators. (with Anna Petrovskaya, Master Systemic and Family Constellations Facilitator, Trauma Therapist)
In Russian


NovemberOpening of ‘Litttle House With Resources’ open group on Facebook
In Russian
JulyTrauma and Activity
Online public talks with psychologists and guests
In Russian
May – JulyExploring Internal Resources
Weekly online workshops
In Russian
What’s Up With This Time?
Online conversation with analythical psychologist, author of several books, Julia Zhemchuzhnikova
In Russian
AprilBetween Us
Online public talk with Svetlana Tolstova, entrepreneur and psychologist, and Julia Zhemchuzhnikova, analytical psychologist and author of several books.
In Russian
How to be?
Online public talk with psychotherapist Tatiana Kukina, Svetalan Tolstova, psychologist and entrepreneur, and Julia Zhemchuzhnikova, analytical psychologist and books author
In Russian
MarchInternal Resources Online Workshops
(Ресурсные мастерские)
Support group on self-care and self-regulation in the context of covid-19 pandemic.
In Russian
FebruarySystemic and Family Constellations Workshop
Montreal, Canada
In English
JanuaryWorld, Feeling at Home
(“Мир, чувство дома”)
Online, Collaborative Workshop with a Jungian Analyst and writer Julia Zhemchuznikova (Montreal, Canada – Denpasar, Indonesia)
In Russian
JanuaryWorld, Emigration
(“Мир, эмиграция”)
Online, Collaborative Workshop with a Jungian Analyst and writer Julia Zhemchuznikova (Montreal, Canada – Denpasar, Indonesia)
In Russian


DecemberEl Regreso Del Alma
Bogota, Colombia. Systemic Constellations Workshop
In English / Spanish
September The Soul’s Return
(Возвращение души)
St. Petersburg, Russia. Systemic Constellations and Sound Therapy workshop
In Russian
September to OctoberInternal Resources Management Training Program
(Управление внутренними ресурсами)
Moscow, Russia. 2-months educational program for corporate managers and specialists
In Russian
SeptemberHow Would it Be In Russian?
(Как это будет по-русски?)
Moscow, Russia. Workshop dedicated to continuous practice abroad, for psychologists
In Russian
JulyMediums of the Soul
Montreal, Canada. Practical workshop based on the approaches of Systemic Constellations and Systemic Ritual
In English / with support for French speaking participants
JuneFatigue and Burnout
2-Modules Online Course on Internal Resources dynamics in the stressful states
in Russian
May to JuneResourcefulness Practice
Online course. Maintaining wellness and self-regulation on an everyday basis
in Russian
MayMaestria Interior. Taller Practico
(Internal Resources Management, a Practical Workshop)
Bogota, Colombia. Workshop for school teachers and specialists in the field of education
in English/Spanish
MayEntre la terapia y el ritual. Trabajando con sonido y voz
(Between Therapy and Ritual: Working with sound and voice)
Bogota, Colombia. Second edition of workshop on work with Sound and Voice for Psychotherapists and Systemic Constellations Facilitators 
In English/Spanish
Montreal, Canada. A practical workshop
In Engllish
MarchResilience (Устойчивость)
Moscow, Russia. A practical workshop
in Russian
January to MarchManagement of Resourceful States (Управление ресурсными состояниями)
Moscow, Russia. A practical program of 5 modules for the managerial staff of the industrial enterprizes (Oil and Gas, Power Generation, Banking etc.)
In Russian


DecemberEntre la terapia y el ritual. Trabajando con sonido y voz
(Between Therapy and Ritual: Working with sound and voice)
Bogota, Colombia. First edition of workshop on work with Sound and Voice for Psychotherapists and Systemic Constellations Facilitators
In English/Spanish
September to DecemberAutumn Resource Trip
(Осеннее ресурсное путешествие)
Online program focused on management of internal resources
In Russian
OctoberMetaphysics of Money
Montreal, Canada. Systemic Constellations: practical tools in the field of money and business
In English
September Metaphysics of Relationships
Montreal, Canada. A practical workshop in Systemic Constellations focused on systemic aspects of relationships
In English
JuneThe Internal Adolescent
(Внутренний подросток)
Moscow , Russia. One-day workshop for those willing to acknowledge and reconsider the adolescence period in it’s possible impact on our present
May to JulyManagement of Resourceful States (Управление ресурсными состояниями)
Moscow, Russia. A practical program of 5 modules for the managerial staff of the industrial enterprizes (Oil and Gas, Petrochemical industry, Banking etc.)
In Russian
January to MarchWinter Resource Webinar
(Зимний ресурсный вебинар)
Online program focused on management of internal resources
In Russian


NovemberThe Space of Self
(Пространство себя)
Moscow, Russia. One-day workshop (with contemporary choreographer Yulia Schirskaya)
In Russian
AprilSelf Help and Work With Emotions
(Самоподдержка и работа с эмоциями)
Moscow, Russia. Evening workshop (with Olga Solomatina)
In Russian