October | Relationship Compass |
In-Person workshop in Montreal QC, based on Family / Systemic Constellation approach In English | |
March | The Path: Dealing with Challenges in Life |
In-Person workshop in Montreal QC, based on Family / Systemic Constellations approach, incorporating elements of the practice of Systemic Ritual In English |
October – November | Work With Trauma |
Online program of 6 modules for Psychologists, Body-Oriented Therapists, Systemic Constellations Facilitators. (with Anna Petrovskaya, Master Systemic and Family Constellations Facilitator, Trauma Therapist) In Russian |
November | Opening of ‘Litttle House With Resources’ open group on Facebook |
In Russian | |
July | Trauma and Activity |
Online public talks with psychologists and guests In Russian | |
May – July | Exploring Internal Resources |
Weekly online workshops In Russian | |
What’s Up With This Time? | |
Online conversation with analythical psychologist, author of several books, Julia Zhemchuzhnikova In Russian | |
April | Between Us |
Online public talk with Svetlana Tolstova, entrepreneur and psychologist, and Julia Zhemchuzhnikova, analytical psychologist and author of several books. In Russian | |
How to be? | |
Online public talk with psychotherapist Tatiana Kukina, Svetalan Tolstova, psychologist and entrepreneur, and Julia Zhemchuzhnikova, analytical psychologist and books author In Russian | |
March | Internal Resources Online Workshops (Ресурсные мастерские) |
Support group on self-care and self-regulation in the context of covid-19 pandemic. In Russian | |
February | Systemic and Family Constellations Workshop |
Montreal, Canada In English | |
January | World, Feeling at Home (“Мир, чувство дома”) |
Online, Collaborative Workshop with a Jungian Analyst and writer Julia Zhemchuznikova (Montreal, Canada – Denpasar, Indonesia) In Russian | |
January | World, Emigration (“Мир, эмиграция”) |
Online, Collaborative Workshop with a Jungian Analyst and writer Julia Zhemchuznikova (Montreal, Canada – Denpasar, Indonesia) In Russian |
December | El Regreso Del Alma |
Bogota, Colombia. Systemic Constellations Workshop In English / Spanish | |
September | The Soul’s Return (Возвращение души) |
St. Petersburg, Russia. Systemic Constellations and Sound Therapy workshop In Russian | |
September to October | Internal Resources Management Training Program (Управление внутренними ресурсами) |
Moscow, Russia. 2-months educational program for corporate managers and specialists In Russian | |
September | How Would it Be In Russian? (Как это будет по-русски?) |
Moscow, Russia. Workshop dedicated to continuous practice abroad, for psychologists In Russian | |
July | Mediums of the Soul |
Montreal, Canada. Practical workshop based on the approaches of Systemic Constellations and Systemic Ritual In English / with support for French speaking participants | |
June | Fatigue and Burnout |
2-Modules Online Course on Internal Resources dynamics in the stressful states in Russian | |
May to June | Resourcefulness Practice |
Online course. Maintaining wellness and self-regulation on an everyday basis in Russian | |
May | Maestria Interior. Taller Practico (Internal Resources Management, a Practical Workshop) |
Bogota, Colombia. Workshop for school teachers and specialists in the field of education in English/Spanish | |
May | Entre la terapia y el ritual. Trabajando con sonido y voz (Between Therapy and Ritual: Working with sound and voice) |
Bogota, Colombia. Second edition of workshop on work with Sound and Voice for Psychotherapists and Systemic Constellations Facilitators In English/Spanish | |
May | Resilience |
Montreal, Canada. A practical workshop In Engllish | |
March | Resilience (Устойчивость) |
Moscow, Russia. A practical workshop in Russian | |
January to March | Management of Resourceful States (Управление ресурсными состояниями) |
Moscow, Russia. A practical program of 5 modules for the managerial staff of the industrial enterprizes (Oil and Gas, Power Generation, Banking etc.) In Russian |
December | Entre la terapia y el ritual. Trabajando con sonido y voz (Between Therapy and Ritual: Working with sound and voice) |
Bogota, Colombia. First edition of workshop on work with Sound and Voice for Psychotherapists and Systemic Constellations Facilitators In English/Spanish | |
September to December | Autumn Resource Trip (Осеннее ресурсное путешествие) |
Online program focused on management of internal resources In Russian | |
October | Metaphysics of Money |
Montreal, Canada. Systemic Constellations: practical tools in the field of money and business In English | |
September | Metaphysics of Relationships |
Montreal, Canada. A practical workshop in Systemic Constellations focused on systemic aspects of relationships In English | |
June | The Internal Adolescent (Внутренний подросток) |
Moscow , Russia. One-day workshop for those willing to acknowledge and reconsider the adolescence period in it’s possible impact on our present Russian | |
May to July | Management of Resourceful States (Управление ресурсными состояниями) |
Moscow, Russia. A practical program of 5 modules for the managerial staff of the industrial enterprizes (Oil and Gas, Petrochemical industry, Banking etc.) In Russian | |
January to March | Winter Resource Webinar (Зимний ресурсный вебинар) |
Online program focused on management of internal resources In Russian |
November | The Space of Self (Пространство себя) |
Moscow, Russia. One-day workshop (with contemporary choreographer Yulia Schirskaya) In Russian | |
April | Self Help and Work With Emotions (Самоподдержка и работа с эмоциями) |
Moscow, Russia. Evening workshop (with Olga Solomatina) In Russian |