By re-living difficult experiences in the body, we allow flexibility and choice to emerge where previously there was a rigid, fixed response, such as feeling stuck or an excessive desire to control, or dropping hands, avoiding the necessary action under various pretexts.

Release from long-standing problems that were attached in a bodily sense, unfolds an inner transformation in the perception and experience of situations. There is a release of inappropriate emotional load from a context to which it is not necessarily inherent.

Brief micro-constellations direct the focus to the core of a particular problematic experience, and through the bodily response we can notice how the stress state gradually decreases, and the excessive inherited emotionality is released and dissipated.

Approach to work

We work using a variety of techniques:

  • Body-Oriented Techniques make it possible to contain difficult experiences.

  • Micro-Constellations allow us to find traces of situations or circumstances that have not been resolved in the past. These traces load the present moment with bodily and emotional reactions that belong to a different, irrelevant context. It is possible to detach them from the present day, to return them to the situations to which they belong.

  • Techniques for working with trauma help to find solutions that are experienced as safe, to preserve the possibility of choice. Trauma – related techniques also allow to not overstimulate the nervous system, to maintain the process within the boundaries of what can be accepted by the body in the here and now of the session.

Relatively brief

Micro Constellations:

A line of short Constellation episodes, focused on the core of the issue. 

When a regular Family/Systemic Constellation presumes a scale, multiple figures, here we focus on core interactions instead. We model the context based on the bodily responses, felt sense and the changes that client notices in their actual internal perceptions.

Timing and Setting. Regularity

Regular weekly work is possible, good results can also be achieved with one-off sessions.

Sessions are 70 minutes long. You will need a place where you won’t be distracted by external noise or other people’s presence. Public spaces are to be avoided. Sitting position, comfortable chair, if possible. I strongly advise not to lye on a couch or bed (sitting vertically is ok).

Preferred option for a communication device to use during sessions would be something with a relatively large screen (tablet or computer), however joining from a smartphone is quite possible, too. You will receive a link to enter the session via the email you provide at the time of booking. The Google Meet system allows you to check the quality of communication, sound and video at any time before the session.

Client – Therapist Relations

The session provides safe space at all times. In the moments of choice there is always enough time to make that choice. The process requires trust between client and therapist. Relations are necessarily open and transparent. Every step has to be accepted by both sides, the work cannot be done by inducing pressure. 


This work is not intended to replace any kind of psychotherapy or conventional allopathic medicine treatment. You will need to consult your mental health practitioner or physician in case of any doubts regarding participating in online sessions.

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