The winter is here with the cold. We are dealing with the content of this unpredictable year: the pandemic and its restrictions, changes of the daily routine, uncertainty and losses. Freezing temperatures are adding one more stressor to the amount that is already far above the regular.

When it becomes too much, survival responses are to be triggered. We become reactive, we rush for action rather than observing the variety of available options. Through the lens of the ‘survival mode’ we perceive the world as an unfriendly or unpleasant place. Our stress response systems are organized wisely, but there’s too much pressure, so the resources are to be mobilized. Conscience is not involved into this process, it’s merely a sequence of reactive responses that build up a particular state. Sometimes we find ourself losing our inherent qualities, such as generosity and kindness. It happens often as a reaction to stress that has reached it’s max capacity.

What to do

It’s always good to give your body some more rest. To sleep for an extra couple hours when you feel you need to. To enjoy your time with the loved ones, or even with yourself. Find out which activities do calm you down, and let yourself be lazy sometimes. It’s the darkest time of the year, after all. Preparing for holidays as well as celebrating may help get some peace of mind, but only if the process is seen as a source of joy, not as a pool of obligations.

When stress continues, everything that’s been piled up in the darker parts of our internal rooms gets more and more activated. If you feel that your reactions are getting a bit out of normal, are you in the state of permanent fatigue, or constant arousal, – please don’t hesitate to contact me. Whether an advice on how to make it through the holidays with batteries at full, or how to manage the internal resources, whether a request to calm the state of the nervous system with a sequence of bodywork sessions, or find a good practice that might bring peace to the body and mind. I work online and receive clients in person as well.

Have a wonderful rest of the month and let us look at the future year as calm and resourceful.

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